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Various Artists - Mors Ultima Linia Rerum

Release date:

Mors Ultima Linia Rerum
Dark Ambient, Industrial, Noise
Various Artists
February 20, 1994
Maldoror Tapes [MT15] (Portugal, C60 Cassette, ltd 30)

Graphics - Forgotten Blood
Photography - Paulo Vilela

Recorded and mixed by studio at L:C: in Bragança.

When I downloaded this album, it came with a text file explaining that the track listing might not be accurate. I tried to fix it up as best as I could based on what I could find of the available songs.
The download also came with the 5th track labeled as "Benomyl", rather than "Dal D'Area", as it says on the tracklist. I looked it up and it sounded like the same song, so I kept both.

Written January 6, 2024