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Богаљи - Фотокопиране Звери

Release date:
Фотокопиране Звери [Fotokopirane zveri]
Experimental, Avant-Folk, Industrial, Noise
Богаљи [Bogalji]
Self-released (Serbia, Cassette Tape)

Anđelka Brzulja
Stevan Marinković
Ivan Glišić
Ivan Stanić Deivan

I can't tell whether this post-Soviet independent cassette is hilarious or horrifying. Released in Serbia right after the dissolution of the USSR, its seeming irreverance seems to invoke a modern attitude of irony. That might just be my modern perspective talking, but this album totally comes off as a shitpost. Like, one of those horrifying nightmare-inducing shitposts.

Through the harsh noise, the shouting, the goofy recorder playing, the creepy laughing, and the banging around, I cannot tell what this album was going for.
And for that, I highly recommend it.

Written September 7, 2022